In your dreams, your most secret of dreams, where no reality exists, imagination is the only survivor, of your closed and compact mind. I try to reach out to you through thought and lucid dreams...
An island, a floating island in the middle of nowhere, rich blue seas surround us, there is no escape. Palms of fruit splayed along the beaches of golden hue, jungle of mystery and green, what does it hold? What mystery lies within?
Here we are, just the two of us, no-one else! Stranded. Isolated. Together at last. Alone.
I see us playing along the golden sands, frolicking along with its, our, secret thoughts, with each other. We are naked - like the sand itself, nothing on it, just what it, we are made of. No constrictions. No inhibitions. Just natural. Just free...
We eat enchanted fruit from upon the palms, they give us nourishment, energy, they fulfill our hunger, our thirst. We eat with desire, we eat with pleasure. Satisfying...
Then with fires so burning within each other, fires what we tought would never extinguish, never go out, we make love, we join in nature to become one. Bound together deep in soul assylum, nothing can harm us, nothing can distract us, there are only the two of us here, alone, together...
Then as the dawn approaches, the dream begins to fade, and in our childish dreams, that in reality - had already begun - we are one...
Then, and only then, will I believe that I have succeeded in reaching you, your mind, your dreams, your deepest desires...
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